Dreaming of being at the top or being at the summit in Islam

What is the meaning of being at the top or at the summit in Islamic Dreams?
The dream of being at the top indicates a social, financial, religious or professional rise. Dreaming of being at the top of a mountain indicates that you have overcome all the difficulties of a goal. The dream of being at the top can indicate the evolution of one's life in general, but also specific goals. For example, a woman in Toulouse said that she dreamed of being on top of a mountain, but that the climb was very difficult. And this concerned the tests of his studies.

In the vast majority of cases, the dream of being at the top indicates difficulties that have been overcome or a change in one's life in the right direction. However, it also depends on the feeling we have once we have reached the top in the dream. If it is relief and joy, then it will be a good sign. However, if you dream of being at the top and you feel dizzy, then it means you have too much responsibility for you.

The same is true when you dream of being at the top and going down too fast. This can mean that you have burned the steps and you may fail in your goals. Note that the dream of climbing and being at the top may be associated, but the escalation in a dream may also indicate other meanings.

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