How to detect witchcraft in Islam

What are the signs that prove that you are a victim of witchcraft according to Islam?

 Witchcraft has existed since the beginning of Islam. According to Islamic tradition, even the Prophet Mohammad AS was a victim by his enemies where a spell prevented him from speaking for 40 days and 40 nights, although the interpretation of this event should not be taken literally because it would be stupid and unbelieving to believe that witchcraft could touch the prophet.

But on this occasion, the angel Jdibril taught him the suras of Naas and Falaq which protect against witchcraft and allow healing from witchcraft.

How can witchcraft affect you in Islam?

There are two ways to attack you with witchcraft in Islam, from a distance or through physical contact. The bewitched object must touch you in some way. 

Even if remote witchcraft exists, it remains very rare and ineffective. It is used more to scare you or blackmail you. Witchcraft through physical contact is the most used and obviously, it is the most effective.

What are the means used for witchcraft in Islam?

The means used to perform witchcraft are food, objects that remain in your presence or even sex. Of these three, sex is the most powerful, because the basis of witchcraft is that dirt attracts dirt or impurity attracts impurity. 

Sex outside of marriage is one of the 3 deadly sins in Islam along with alcohol and usury and therefore, it is a very powerful vector.

Food is also a very effective way, because you consume it regularly. It distills within you and perverts your religion like poison infects a human body. 

When it comes to carnal knowledge, women are the ones who use witchcraft the most, either to get a man or to trap him in one way or another. For example, if you are married and your in-laws hate you, then sisters or mother may use witchcraft to destroy your marriage.

In this case, the sex they will use will be based on the husband, they will either give him bewitched food, or use objects that will pervert your union. Because the relationship in marriage is impossible to directly pervert, because Allah has decided so.

Beware of all food that comes from outside, a simple negative roukya can bewitch food. Always prepare your own dishes with the ingredients you choose. There are ingredients that are more suitable such as fat, certain spices, but also perfumes that we use.

I knew a Muslim woman who had bewitched one of her superiors with incense which she lit daily in her office. I discovered it when she told me about her dreams and they were extremely negative, pus, sores and disgusting things in general. 

After extensive questioning, she ended up admitting that she had used witchcraft to influence her superiors and it had worked.

How to detect signs of witchcraft in Islam?

This is the most difficult, because there are no sure ways to actually detect witchcraft. It will be more sensations, but certain animals or insects are also sensitive to them. 

One of the signs that we are affected is bad luck and evil eye. Bad luck is a natural thing in life, sometimes you succeed, sometimes you fail.

But if it is systematic, then it may mean that you are victims of witchcraft. This is especially valid when you reach the goal and at the last moment everything goes wrong, it is very characteristic of witchcraft and the evil eye, the latter being totally different.

In India, Pakistan and the Indian subcontinent, the sound of the lizard is a fairly sure sign of witchcraft. For me, for example, it's such a certain sign that it's mathematical. If I hear lizards when I enter a room in my house, then I am sure that the next day, people I suspect of transmitting witchcraft will show up at my house.

And in fact, as I tell you, it's mathematical. Sometimes, even when I know they're not supposed to come, but I hear the sound of the lizard the day before, the guys will 100% show up. This could be other types of animals, remember, dirt attracts dirt.

My mother died a few years ago, rest her soul, a very pious woman, a saint, but months before her death, she kept telling me that she was a victim of witchcraft. I won't say who, although I have an idea (it's quite sensitive even now).

Now that several years have passed and I have thought long and hard about what happened before she died, while she was in the hospital, and after, then she was absolutely right. 

In her case, as she was very pious, basic witchcraft could not work. She was constantly in ablutions and she read the Koran several hours a day. Against her, the darkest witchcraft I have ever seen was used.

And the sign, about 6 months before he died, was that there were a lot of disgusting bugs and worms in the shower. At first, we just thought it was an invasion of our bathrooms, but in the days following his death, these insects magically disappeared and I never saw them again.

Another sign is to check your mental health. If you constantly feel bad about yourself, if you are constantly angry and above all, if you are assailed by dark thoughts even though your life is going rather well and there is no mental illness, because depression also causes these types of symptoms, then you are probably a victim of witchcraft.

How to protect yourself against witchcraft in Islam?

Here, we are mainly talking about prevention, because curing witchcraft is something very difficult, if not impossible. The first and most effective prevention is to constantly remain in ablution 24 hours a day. Ablution puts you in a state of purity and the dirty things of witchcraft will do nothing to you.

Don't forget the other states of purification such as goussoul after women's periods, but also after sexual relations even if they are licit. Think of witchcraft as a virus and your state of impurity as your weakened immune system.

Then you have Surahs Nas and Falaq which were given by Allah to cure witchcraft. Recite them constantly, at least, before sleeping and after waking up. In the case of my lizard noises, all I have to do is start reciting Naas for the noise to stop suddenly. You must recite each surah 3 times.

You also have Dua like Al Kumayl/Al Kamil, given by Imam Ali Bin Talib which is very powerful, it protects against all enemies and those who have animosity towards you. The dua can help you if you get into trouble with the law. Its recitation is difficult, especially the one that is popular among Shiites, the recitation can take 30 to 40 minutes, but it must be recited at least once a day.

How to cure witchcraft in Islam?

When Islam and witchcraft meet, then unfortunately, it is Islam that loses. Because this religion gives you all the means of prevention and protection, but once witchcraft is in you, it is difficult to get rid of it. It's like cleaning dirty water, it's possible, but it's very difficult.

The first thing to do is to find the vector by which you are being bewitched, food, sex, objects in your house, or even people. People can practice witchcraft and it will bring their malevolent energy with them into your home.

Once you have rid yourself of the ways in which witchcraft affects you, you must constantly remain in a state of purification. Constant ablution, recitation of Naas and Falak, recitation of Kamil at least once in the morning and giving sadaqas very regularly, because sadaqa keeps misfortune away.

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