Carrying a heavy load in a dream in Islam: What does it mean?

When you dream of carrying heavy weights, it generally means that you have debts to pay or that you are no longer able to meet your needs.

 Dreaming of carrying heavy loads generally indicates that you are in debt and that you are unable to pay your debts. If you dream that you are carrying a huge backpack and you can't carry it as best you can, it means that despite enormous financial difficulties, you are managing to get by.

Unnecessary spending and providing for the family

A woman who trying to carry a bag too heavy for ther illustrating the meaning of carrying heavy loads in a dream

However, this dream also warns that one must reduce unnecessary expenses, because this burden will persist while the income will not be enough. Carrying heavy weights in a dream can also indicate that one is providing for one's entire family or that many people rely on you. It is a warning dream that you should not pull the string too hard and that you cannot do everything alone.

The dream of carrying heavy loads is neutral, it shows a debt problem, whether one is providing for one's family or helping others. However, if you try to lift a load and cannot lift or carry it, then this means that your debts and financial difficulties will overwhelm you.

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