Dreaming of non-obligatory (superregatory) prayers in Islam: What does it mean?

Superegatory prayers in a dream means that one is asking for help from Allah and the context determines whether the responsive will be positive or not

 If you dream of superegregatory prayers, then it means that you are asking Allah to solve problems that are not included in the obligatory prayers. There are different types of non-obligatory prayers such as those before Fajr, those of repentance, for debts. In fact, we have a lot of salats available for different daily problems.

Therefore, dreaming of non obligatory prayers, but being interrupted at the end, means that your prayer was only half heard. This indicates a religious gap that you need to fill. Dreaming that you are doing a non-obligatory prayer in a full mosque, that you are concentrating on your prayer, and when you raise your head, you realize that the mosque is empty, this means that Allah's response will take time time and you will have to be patient.

A muslim woman who is praying for illustrating the meaning of dream of doing non obligatory prayers in Islam

So, dreaming of non-obligatory prayers implies asking Allah for help and one must analyze the context of the dream to see if the answer is positive. A very particular superegregatory prayer is that of consultation (Salat Al-Istikhara, mainly among Sunnis) which is a specific request, for example, should we accept this new job, should I say yes to this marriage, etc. In this case, if you have a dream, then you must analyze the elements of the dream to understand the answer and the avenues where they lead.

So, the dream of superegregatory prayer is a good sign, because we rely on Allah for our daily difficulties.

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