The dream of delight or excess of joy: What meaning according to Islam?

It concerns moments of extreme happiness or delight in a dream and their different interpretations.

Experiencing excessive pleasure or delight from a musical performance in a dream means being moved by sorrow and sorrow. 

a young woman with blond hair looking upward with a look of ecstasy and rapture to illustrate the meaning of delight in dreams in Islam

Feeling delighted in a dream also suggests diligence, a keen mind, intelligence or conscientiousness of someone who is known to be taciturn, or it could mean a sudden change in the attitude of a stingy person so that she turns to spending her money generously.

The feeling of rapture or emotional ecstasy in a dream also means indulging in sin, becoming an alcoholic, committing adultery, or it could mean loving God Almighty, turning to Him in truth and sincerity.

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