Dream of Banknote in Islam

What is the meaning of Banknote in Islamic Dreams.
A banknote in a islamic dream represents a pure intention, a beautiful son, a treasure, an agreement, a consent, deputyship, devotion, straight path, swearing in, testimony or wisdom. Losing a banknote in a dream means losing one's son or missing one's prayers. If one sees himself moving piles of banknotes to his house in a dream, it means that money will be delivered to his hand.

Though banknotes are blessings and they are what people need, nevertheless, they are also Satan's arrows. If one sees himself handling a large quantity of banknotes in a dream, they mean trusts he receives for saving or as a business. If one sees himself holding a banknote in his hand in a dream, it means that he has entrusted something to a friend who will deliver it back to him on demand. A counterfeit banknote in dream means illegal money or income from unknown source. A banknote carrying the denomination five, represents the five time daily prayers in Islam.

If one loses one in the dream, it means that he neglects his required prayers. In some interpretations, banknotes represent a book. They also represent benefits to a poor person. Perhaps banknotes in a dream could represent the punishment of a hypocrite, or a person who respects no commitment toward his friends, or perhaps they could represent a beloved, mutual support, helping others, or good news. Common denominations such as one hundred represent working for the government. If one sees himself receiving a coin of money or a banknote (e.g. One dollar), it means that he is suffering from oppression. If one sees himself giving someone a banknote of the denomination one, then if he finds it shred'ded into pieces in the dream, it represents a severe enmity, a grievance, or a fight. If he finds it thrown to the floor in the dream, it signifies heavy fighting between two people.

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